EC Member

Roopinder Singh Perhar
Organization: Netplus Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd.
Position: President Strategy and Planning
Serving until: March 2025
R S Perhar has served in various capacities in the governement service and corporate field gaining wide experience in project conceptualisation, planning and implementation and large country wide levels. As COO of Tulip Telecom Ltd, he assisted the company in setting up a MPLS VPN Network in over 1,140 locations across India from scratch. He also implemented setting up data centers in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru.
He propagated and implemented large scale uses of last mile wireless technology both in urban and rural areas extensively. He was also a member of Next Generation Networks Committee of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India and member of the committee to work out safe radiation standards for broadband and wireless radios of mobile and broadband telecom operators. This committee was formed under the Bureau of Indian Standards.
He was elected as Member Executive Council of Internet Providers Association of India in 2005 and then Secretary of Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) in 2006 during which he was responsible for building sustainable business models with supportive technology for small ISPs who could spread the Internet into rural areas. He was responsible for initiating and pushing for the NIR formation in India. He also presented the case to the APNIC board for the successful holding of the first combined APNIC and SANOG in India in 2007.
He is the President of Netplus Broadband Services Pvt Ltd, responsible for its Strategy and Planning. He is also an Executive Council member of ISPAI. Perhar is pushing through his company innovative use hybrid of technologies, e.g. MEN,GPON and DOCSIS to build locally sustainable networks at low cost but providing international class Internet usage experience. He is also innovating use of wireless and Hot Spots to provide connectivity in villages and other far-flung areas.