NIR IPv4 transfer policy information

Below is a summary of the IPv4 transfer policy implementation status for each National Internet Registry (NIR), including Inter-RIR transfers. Please note: the policy implementation status in each NIR is subject to change.

NIR Incoming Outgoing Pre-approval Fee
JPNIC Yes Yes Yes Transfer fee charged to recipient
IRINN Yes Yes Yes 20% of membership fee for transferred resources
IDNIC Yes Yes Yes Additional IPv4 allocation fee or new membership fee is charged
VNNIC Yes No By request Restart membership agreement and pay annual fee for the first year according to membership level
CNNIC Yes Yes Yes Transfer fee charged to recipient
TWNIC Yes Yes N/A 20% of membership fee for transferred resources

Note: All Inter-RIR transfer requests involving NIR members are sent by the respective NIR to APNIC for communication with the other RIRs. View the detailed diagram outlining the IPv4 transfer processes from other RIRs to an NIR.