prop-156: Assignment of Temporary IP Resources

Proposal text prop-156-v002
Objective This proposal suggests reserving the /21 IPv4 prefix from the non-103/8 pool, as well as a /29 IPv6 prefix and 8 Autonomous System numbers, for delegation to events such as conferences and any other reason that APNIC deems appropriate and for which a long-term assignment would not be feasible.
Current status Implemented
Author Christopher Hawker
Relevant forum Policy SIG
Previous versions prop-156-v001
Secretariat impact assessment

Impact assessment for v001.

APNIC notes that this proposal suggests reserving the /21 IPv4 prefix from the non-103/8 pool, as well as a /29 IPv6 prefix and 8 Autonomous System numbers, for delegation to events such as conferences and any other reason that APNIC deems appropriate and for which a long-term assignment would not be feasible, not exceeding 6 months period.


  • With the implementation of Proposal 129, APNIC no longer distinguishes between 103/8 and non-103/8 IPv4 pools. All IPv4 addresses will be delegated from the available last /8 pool.
  • The proposed Section 5.8.2 includes the following “A temporary assignment can be made if the criteria set out in to is met…” This text if interpreted strictly by the Secretariat would mean that all three criteria must be met to receive a temporary assignment which would negatively impact the perceived intent of the policy. To avoid any confusion, the author may consider changing the language so that only one criterion needs to be satisfied, e.g. “A temporary assignment can be made if one of the criteria set out in to is met…”.
  • Can the author provide a clear definition of what is considered ‘commercial in nature’ and ‘commercial purpose’? The Secretariat would like to understand, from an implementation perspective, whether this is intended to include any event where attendance requires payment or whether, for example, the intention is that the overall purpose of the event must not be commercial in nature (e.g. a NOG event).
  • How does the author propose if all the reserved /21 IPv4 addresses were delegated and APNIC received new requests for temporary IP resources?
  • It is operational practice to quarantine recovered and/or returned addresses for at least six months. This is to delete all Whois registrations, including route objects and ROAs, to clean up address space for delegation. How does the author propose if the delegated temporary IP resources are returned to APNIC and there are requests awaiting immediate assignment?


This proposal may require changes to APNIC systems. If this proposal reaches consensus, implementation may be completed within three months.

Proposal history
12 December 2023 Version 1 posted to the Policy SIG mailing list for discussion and community development.
31 January 2024 Version 2 posted to the Policy SIG mailing list for discussion and community development.
01 March 2024 Reached consensus at APNIC 57. Final call for comments.
12 April 2024 End of Final call for comments. Proposal is sent to EC for endorsement.
04 June 2024 Endorsed by the EC.
08 February 2025 Final call for editorial comments.
20 February 2025 End of editorial comment period. Policy published as apnic-127-v015.