prop-154: Resizing of IPv4 assignment for the IXPs

Proposal text prop-154-v002

This proposal suggests changing the default size of IPv4 assignments for IXPs from /23 to /26, which can be replaced up to a maximum of a /22 if the IXP returns the IPv4 address space previously assigned to them.

Current status Implemented

Simon Sohel Baroi and Aftab Siddiqui

Relevant forum Policy SIG
Previous versions prop-154-v001
Secretariat impact assessment

Version 1

APNIC notes that the proposed default IPv4 delegation size for any new IXP will be a /26, and the IXP can request more based on the number of peers connected at that IX facility. Current large IXP account holders can request a contiguous /22 IPv4 if 80% of the current /23 IPv4 is used, and the existing /23 must be returned

APNIC also notes that the proposal suggests APNIC check the routing table to revoke any less than /24 IPv4 delegations announced in the global routing table.


Can an existing account holder request more IP addresses if they have already received their final /23 IPv4 under the current IPv4 policy and want to start an IXP?

There is an assumption with this proposal that IXP-type account holders
only have IXP assignments. How do the authors propose APNIC applies this
to account holders who have both regular allocations and IXP assignments?

The current minimum transfer size for IPv4 addresses is /24. If an IXP
receives a /25 or /26, they cannot transfer it even after using it for 5 years,
unlike IXPs who receive /24 or larger assignments. Is this the author’s
intention, or should there be a transfer restriction on all IXP assignments made under this proposal?

According to the proposal, a national IXP in an economy with fewer than
60 account holders cannot have more than /27 IPv4 assignment. The proposed default size, however, is a /26. Is this the author’s intention, or a typo?

This proposal may require changes to business rules and systems. If this proposal reaches consensus, implementation may be completed within 6 months.

Proposal history
08 August 2023 Version 1 posted to the Policy SIG mailing list for discussion and community development.
09 September 2023 Version 2 posted to the Policy SIG mailing list for discussion and community development.
14 September 2023 Did not reach consensus at APNIC 56 and sent back to the Policy SIG mailing list for further discussion.
01 March 2024 Reached consensus at APNIC 57. Final call for comments.
08 April 2024 End of Final call for comments. Proposal is sent to EC for endorsement.
04 June 2024 Endorsed by the EC.
08 February 2025 Final call for editorial comments.
20 February 2025 End of editorial comment period. Policy published as apnic-127-v015.