APNIC Document identity
APNIC Document identity
Title: IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
Title: IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
Short title: ipv6-address-policy
Short title: ipv6-address-policy
Document ref: APNIC-089
Document ref: APNIC-089
Version: 004
Version: 005
Date of original publication: 1 July 2002
Date of original publication: 1 July 2002
Date of this version: 15 January 2007
Date of this version: 19 March 2007
Review scheduled: n/a
Review scheduled: n/a
Obsoletes: Previous versions
Obsoletes: Previous versions
Status: Obsolete
Status: Obsolete
Comments: n/a
Comments: n/a
IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
Status of this Memo
Status of this Memo
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5.4.1. Assignment address space size
5.4.1. Assignment address space size
5.4.2. Assignment of multiple /48s to a single end site
5.4.2. Assignment of multiple /48s to a single end site
5.4.3. Assignment to operator’s infrastructure
5.4.3. Assignment to operator’s infrastructure
5.5. Registration
5.5. Registration
5.6. Reverse lookup
5.6. Reverse lookup
5.7. Existing IPv6 address space holders
5.7. Existing IPv6 address space holders
5.8. Assignments to IXPs and critical infrastructure
5.8. Portable assignments
5.8.1. Internet Exchange Points
5.8.1. Small multihoming assignments
5.8.2. Critical infrastructure
5.8.2. Internet Exchange Points
5.8.3. Critical infrastructure
6. References
6. References
7. Appendix A: HD-Ratio
7. Appendix A: HD-Ratio
8. Appendix B: Background information
8. Appendix B: Background information
8.1. Background
8.1. Background
8.2. Why a joint policy
8.2. Why a joint policy
8.3. The size of IPv6’s address space
8.3. The size of IPv6’s address space
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document are intended to be adopted by each registry. However,
document are intended to be adopted by each registry. However,
adoption of this document does not preclude local variations in each
adoption of this document does not preclude local variations in each
region or area.
region or area.
[RFC2373, RFC2373bis] designate 2000::/3 to be global unicast address
[RFC2373, RFC2373bis] designate 2000::/3 to be global unicast address
space that IANA may allocate to the RIRs. In accordance with
space that IANA may allocate to the RIRs. In accordance with
[RFC2928, RFC2373bis, IAB-Request], IANA has allocated initial ranges
[RFC2928, RFC2373bis, IAB-Request], IANA has allocated initial ranges
of global unicast IPv6 address space from the 2001::/16 address block
of global unicast IPv6 address space from the 2001::/16 address block
to the existing RIRs. This document concerns the initial and
to the existing RIRs. This document concerns the initial and
subsequent allocations of the 2000::/3 unicast address space, for
subsequent allocations of the 2000::/3 unicast address space, for
which RIRs formulate allocation and assignment policies. Because end
which RIRs formulate allocation and assignment policies.
sites will generally be given /48 assignments [RFC 3177, RIRs-
on-48s], the particular emphasis of this document is on policies
relating the bits within 2000::/3 to the left of the /48 boundary.
However, since some end sites will receive /64 and /128 assignments,
all bits to the left of /64 are in scope.
This policy is considered to be an interim policy. It will be
This policy is considered to be an interim policy. It will be
reviewed in the future, subject to greater experience in the
reviewed in the future, subject to greater experience in the
administration of IPv6.
administration of IPv6.
2. Definitions
2. Definitions
[note: some of these definitions will be replaced by definitions from
[note: some of these definitions will be replaced by definitions from
other RIR documents in order to be more consistent.]
other RIR documents in order to be more consistent.]
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2.6. Assign
2.6. Assign
To assign means to delegate address space to an ISP or end-user, for
To assign means to delegate address space to an ISP or end-user, for
specific use within the Internet infrastructure they operate.
specific use within the Internet infrastructure they operate.
Assignments must only be made for specific purposes documented by
Assignments must only be made for specific purposes documented by
specific organizations and are not to be sub-assigned to other
specific organizations and are not to be sub-assigned to other
2.7. Utilization
2.7. Utilization
Unlike IPv4, IPv6 is generally assigned to end sites in fixed amounts
The actual usage of addresses within each assignment will be
(/48). The actual usage of addresses within each assignment will be
quite low, when compared to IPv4 assignments. In IPv6, “utilization”
quite low, when compared to IPv4 assignments. In IPv6, “utilization”
is only measured in terms of the bits to the left of the /48
is only measured in terms of the bits to the left of the /56
boundary. In other words, utilization refers to the assignment of
boundary. In other words, utilization refers to the assignment of
/48s to end sites, and not the number of addresses assigned within
/56s to end sites, and not the number of addresses assigned within
individual /48s at those end sites.
individual /56s at those end sites.
Throughout this document, the term utilization refers to the
Throughout this document, the term utilization refers to the
allocation of /48s to end sites, and not the number of addresses
allocation of /56s to end sites, and not the number of addresses
assigned within individual /48s within those end sites.
assigned within individual /56s within those end sites.
2.8. HD-Ratio
2.8. HD-Ratio
The HD-Ratio is a way of measuring the efficiency of address
The HD-Ratio is a way of measuring the efficiency of address
assignment [RFC 3194]. It is an adaptation of the H-Ratio originally
assignment [RFC 3194]. It is an adaptation of the H-Ratio originally
defined in [RFC1715] and is expressed as follows:
defined in [RFC1715] and is expressed as follows:
Log (number of allocated objects)
Log (number of allocated objects)
HD = ————————————————
HD = ————————————————
Log (maximum number of allocatable objects)
Log (maximum number of allocatable objects)
where (in the case of this document) the objects are IPv6 site
where (in the case of this document) the objects are IPv6 site
addresses (/48s) assigned from an IPv6 prefix of a given size.
addresses (/56s) assigned from an IPv6 prefix of a given size.
2.9. End site
2.9. End site
An end site is defined as an end user (subscriber) who has a business
An end site is defined as an end user (subscriber) who has a business
relationship with a service provider that involves:
relationship with a service provider that involves:
– that service provider assigning address space to the end user
– that service provider assigning address space to the end user
– that service provider providing transit service for the end user
– that service provider providing transit service for the end user
to other sites
to other sites
– that service provider carrying the end user’s traffic.
– that service provider carrying the end user’s traffic.
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5.1. Initial allocation
5.1. Initial allocation
5.1.1. Initial allocation criteria
5.1.1. Initial allocation criteria
To qualify for an initial allocation of IPv6 address space, an
To qualify for an initial allocation of IPv6 address space, an
organization must:
organization must:
a) be an LIR;
a) be an LIR;
b) not be an end site;
b) not be an end site;
c) plan to provide IPv6 connectivity to organizations to which it
c) plan to provide IPv6 connectivity to organizations to which it
will assign /48s, by advertising that connectivity through its
will make assignments, by advertising that connectivity through
single aggregated address allocation; and
its single aggregated address allocation; and
d) have a plan for making at least 200 /48 assignments to other
d) have a plan for making at least 200 assignments to other
organizations within two years.
organizations within two years.
Private networks (those not connected to the public Internet) may
Private networks (those not connected to the public Internet) may
also be eligible for an IPv6 address space allocation provided they
also be eligible for an IPv6 address space allocation provided they
meet equivalent criteria to those listed above.
meet equivalent criteria to those listed above.
5.1.2. Minimum initial allocation size
5.1.2. Minimum initial allocation size
Organizations that meet the initial allocation criteria are eligible
Organizations that meet the initial allocation criteria are eligible
to receive a minimum allocation of /32.
to receive a minimum allocation of /32.
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5.2. Subsequent allocation
5.2. Subsequent allocation
Organizations that hold an existing IPv6 allocation may receive a
Organizations that hold an existing IPv6 allocation may receive a
subsequent allocation in accordance with the following policies.
subsequent allocation in accordance with the following policies.
5.2.1. Subsequent allocation criteria
5.2.1. Subsequent allocation criteria
Subsequent allocation will be provided when an organization (ISP/LIR)
Subsequent allocation will be provided when an organization (ISP/LIR)
satisfies the evaluation threshold of past address utilization in
satisfies the evaluation threshold of past address utilization in
terms of the number of sites in units of /48 assignments. The HD-
terms of the number of sites in units of /56 assignments. The HD-
Ratio [RFC 3194] is used to determine the utilization thresholds that
Ratio [RFC 3194] is used to determine the utilization thresholds that
justify the allocation of additional address as described below.
justify the allocation of additional address as described below.
5.2.2. Applied HD-Ratio
5.2.2. Applied HD-Ratio
The HD-Ratio value of 0.8 is adopted as indicating an acceptable
The HD-Ratio value of 0.94 is adopted as indicating an acceptable
address utilization for justifying the allocation of additional
address utilization for justifying the allocation of additional
address space. Appendix A provides a table showing the number of
address space. Appendix A provides a table showing the number of
assignments that are necessary to achieve an acceptable utilization
assignments that are necessary to achieve an acceptable utilization
value for a given address block size.
value for a given address block size.
5.2.3. Subsequent Allocation Size
5.2.3. Subsequent Allocation Size
When an organization has achieved an acceptable utilization for its
When an organization has achieved an acceptable utilization for its
allocated address space, it is immediately eligible to obtain an
allocated address space, it is immediately eligible to obtain an
additional allocation that results in a doubling of the address space
additional allocation that results in a doubling of the address space
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properly evaluate the HD-Ratio when a subsequent allocation becomes
properly evaluate the HD-Ratio when a subsequent allocation becomes
5.4. Assignment
5.4. Assignment
LIRs must make IPv6 assignments in accordance with the following
LIRs must make IPv6 assignments in accordance with the following
5.4.1. Assignment address space size
5.4.1. Assignment address space size
Assignments are to be made in accordance with the existing guidelines
End-users are assigned an end site assignment from their LIR or ISP.
[RFC3177,RIRs-on-48], which are summarized here as:
The exact size of the assignment is a local decision for the LIR or
ISP to make, using a minimum value of a /64 (when only one subnet is
– /48 in the general case, except for very large subscribers
anticipated for the end site) up to the normal maximum of /48,
– /64 when it is known that one and only one subnet is needed by
except in cases of extra large end sites where a larger assignment
can be justified.
– /128 when it is absolutely known that one and only one device is
RIRs/NIRs are not concerned about which address size an LIR/ISP
RIRs/NIRs are not concerned about which address size an LIR/ISP
actually assigns. Accordingly, RIRs/NIRs will not request the
actually assigns. Accordingly, RIRs/NIRs will not request the
detailed information on IPv6 user networks as they did in IPv4,
detailed information on IPv6 user networks as they did in IPv4,
except for the cases described in Section 4.4 and for the purposes of
except for the cases described in Section 4.4 and for the purposes of
measuring utilization as defined in this document.
measuring utilization as defined in this document.
5.4.2. Assignment of multiple /48s to a single end site
5.4.2. Assignment of multiple /48s to a single end site
When a single end site requires an additional /48 address block, it
When a single end site requires an additional /48 address block, it
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is regarded as one assignment regardless of the number of users using
is regarded as one assignment regardless of the number of users using
the PoP. A separate assignment can be obtained for the in-house
the PoP. A separate assignment can be obtained for the in-house
operations of the operator.
operations of the operator.
5.5. Registration
5.5. Registration
When an organization holding an IPv6 address allocation makes IPv6
When an organization holding an IPv6 address allocation makes IPv6
address assignments, it must register assignment information in a
address assignments, it must register assignment information in a
database, accessible by RIRs as appropriate (information registered
database, accessible by RIRs as appropriate (information registered
by an RIR/NIR may be replaced by a distributed database for
by an RIR/NIR may be replaced by a distributed database for
registering address management information in future). Information
registering address management information in future). Information
is registered in units of assigned /48 networks. When more than a
is registered in units of assigned /48 networks. When more than a
/48 is assigned to an organization, the assigning organization is
/48 is assigned to an organization, the assigning organization is
responsible for ensuring that the address space is registered in an
responsible for ensuring that the address space is registered in an
RIR/NIR database.
RIR/NIR database.
RIR/NIRs will use registered data to calculate the HD-Ratio at the
RIR/NIRs will use registered data to calculate the HD-Ratio at the
time of application for subsequent allocation and to check for
time of application for subsequent allocation and to check for
changes in assignments over time.
changes in assignments over time.
IRs shall maintain systems and practices that protect the security of
IRs shall maintain systems and practices that protect the security of
personal and commercial information that is used in request
personal and commercial information that is used in request
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Organizations that received /35 IPv6 allocations under the previous
Organizations that received /35 IPv6 allocations under the previous
IPv6 address policy [RIRv6-Policies] are immediately entitled to have
IPv6 address policy [RIRv6-Policies] are immediately entitled to have
their allocation expanded to a /32 address block, without providing
their allocation expanded to a /32 address block, without providing
justification, so long as they satisfy the criteria in Section 5.1.1.
justification, so long as they satisfy the criteria in Section 5.1.1.
The /32 address block will contain the already allocated smaller
The /32 address block will contain the already allocated smaller
address block (one or multiple /35 address blocks in many cases) that
address block (one or multiple /35 address blocks in many cases) that
was already reserved by the RIR for a subsequent allocation to the
was already reserved by the RIR for a subsequent allocation to the
organization. Requests for additional space beyond the minimum /32
organization. Requests for additional space beyond the minimum /32
size will be evaluated as discussed elsewhere in the document.
size will be evaluated as discussed elsewhere in the document.
5.8. Assignments to IXPs and critical infrastructure
5.8. Portable assignments
5.8.1 Internet Exchange Points
5.8.1. Small multihoming assignments
An organization is eligible to receive a portable assignment from
APNIC if it is currently multihomed or plans to be multihomed
within three months.
An organization is considered to be multihomed if its network receives
full-time connectivity from more than one ISP and has one or more
routing prefixes announced by at least two of its ISPs.
The minimum assignment made under these terms is /48.
Address space assigned under these terms that is not used for
multihoming within three months of assignment by APNIC will be
5.8.2. Internet Exchange Points
Internet Exchange Points are eligible to receive a portable assignment
Internet Exchange Points are eligible to receive a portable assignment
from APNIC to be used exclusively to connect the IXP participant devices
from APNIC to be used exclusively to connect the IXP participant devices
to the Exchange Point.
to the Exchange Point.
The minimum assignment made under these terms is /48.
The minimum assignment made under these terms is /48.
Global routability of the portable assignment is left to the discretion
Global routability of the portable assignment is left to the discretion
of the IXP and its participants.
of the IXP and its participants.
5.8.2 Critical infrastructure
5.8.3. Critical infrastructure
The following critical infrastructure networks, if operating in the Asia
The following critical infrastructure networks, if operating in the Asia
Pacific region, are eligible to receive a portable assignment:
Pacific region, are eligible to receive a portable assignment:
– root domain name system (DNS) server;
– root domain name system (DNS) server;
– global top level domain (gTLD) nameservers;
– global top level domain (gTLD) nameservers;
– country code TLD (ccTLDs) nameservers;
– country code TLD (ccTLDs) nameservers;
– Regional Internet Registry (RIRs); and
– Regional Internet Registry (RIRs); and
– National Internet Registry (NIRs).
– National Internet Registry (NIRs).
Assignments to critical infrastructure are available only to the actual
Assignments to critical infrastructure are available only to the actual
operators of the network infrastructure performing such functions. Registrar
operators of the network infrastructure performing such functions. Registrar
organisations which do not actually host the network housing the registry
organisations which do not actually host the network housing the registry
infrastructure, will not be eligible for an assignment under this policy.
infrastructure, will not be eligible for an assignment under this policy.
The maximum assignment made under these terms is /32 per operator.
The maximum assignment made under these terms is /32 per operator.
Exchanges made under this policy remain subject to the address space license
Exchanges made under this policy remain subject to the address space license
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The HD-Ratio is not intended to replace the traditional utilization
The HD-Ratio is not intended to replace the traditional utilization
measurement that ISPs perform with IPv4 today. Indeed, the HD-Ratio
measurement that ISPs perform with IPv4 today. Indeed, the HD-Ratio
still requires counting the number of assigned objects. The primary
still requires counting the number of assigned objects. The primary
value of the HD-Ratio is its usefulness at determining reasonable
value of the HD-Ratio is its usefulness at determining reasonable
target utilization threshold values for an address space of a given
target utilization threshold values for an address space of a given
size. This document uses the HD-Ratio to determine the thresholds at
size. This document uses the HD-Ratio to determine the thresholds at
which a given allocation has achieved an acceptable level of
which a given allocation has achieved an acceptable level of
utilization and the assignment of additional address space becomes
utilization and the assignment of additional address space becomes
The utilization threshold T, expressed as a number of individual /48
The utilization threshold T, expressed as a number of individual /56
prefixes to be allocated from IPv6 prefix P, can be calculated as:
prefixes to be allocated from IPv6 prefix P, can be calculated as:
T = 2
T = 2
Thus, the utilization threshold for an organization requesting
Thus, the utilization threshold for an organization requesting
subsequent allocation of IPv6 address block is specified as a
subsequent allocation of IPv6 address block is specified as a
function of the prefix size and target HD ratio. This utilization
function of the prefix size and target HD ratio. This utilization
refers to the allocation of /48s to end sites, and not the
refers to the allocation of /56s to end sites, and not the
utilization of those /48s within those end sites. It is an address
utilization of those /56s within those end sites. It is an address
allocation utilization ratio and not an address assignment
allocation utilization ratio and not an address assignment
utilization ratio.
utilization ratio.
In accordance with the recommendations of [RFC 3194], this document
This document adopts an HD-Ratio of 0.94 as the utilization
adopts an HD-Ratio of 0.8 as the utilization threshold for IPv6
threshold for IPv6 address space allocations.
address space allocations.
The following table provides equivalent absolute and percentage
The following table provides equivalent absolute and percentage
address utilization figures for IPv6 prefixes, corresponding to an
address utilization figures for IPv6 prefixes, corresponding to an
HD-Ratio of 0.8
HD-Ratio of 0.94
P 48-P Total /48s Threshold Util%
P 56-P Total /56s Threshold Util %
48 0 1 1 100.0%
56 0 1 1 100.0
47 1 2 2 87.1%
55 1 2 2 95.9
46 2 4 3 75.8%
54 2 4 4 92.0
45 3 8 5 66.0%
53 3 8 7 88.3
44 4 16 9 57.4%
52 4 16 14 84.7
43 5 32 16 50.0%
51 5 32 26 81.2
42 6 64 28 43.5%
50 6 64 50 77.9
41 7 128 49 37.9%
49 7 128 96 74.7
40 8 256 84 33.0%
48 8 256 184 71.7
39 9 512 147 28.7%
47 9 512 352 68.8
38 10 1024 256 25.0%
46 10 1,024 676 66.0
37 11 2048 446 21.8%
45 11 2,048 1,296 63.3
36 12 4096 776 18.9%
44 12 4,096 2,487 60.7
35 13 8192 1351 16.5%
43 13 8,192 4,771 58.2
34 14 16384 2353 14.4%
42 14 16,384 9,153 55.9
33 15 32768 4096 12.5%
41 15 32,768 17,560 53.6
32 16 65536 7132 10.9%
40 16 65,536 33,689 51.4
31 17 131072 12417 9.5%
39 17 131,072 64,634 49.3
30 18 262144 21619 8.2%
38 18 262,144 124,002 47.3
29 19 524288 37641 7.2%
37 19 524,288 237,901 45.4
28 20 1048576 65536 6.3%
36 20 1,048,576 456,419 43.5
27 21 2097152 114105 5.4%
35 21 2,097,152 875,653 41.8
26 22 4194304 198668 4.7%
34 22 4,194,304 1,679,965 40.1
25 23 8388608 345901 4.1%
33 23 8,388,608 3,223,061 38.4
24 24 16777216 602249 3.6%
32 24 16,777,216 6,183,533 36.9
23 25 33554432 1048576 3.1%
31 25 33,554,432 11,863,283 35.4
22 26 67108864 1825677 2.7%
30 26 67,108,864 22,760,044 33.9
21 27 134217728 3178688 2.4%
29 27 134,217,728 43,665,787 32.5
20 28 268435456 5534417 2.1%
28 28 268,435,456 83,774,045 31.2
19 29 536870912 9635980 1.8%
27 29 536,870,912 160,722,871 29.9
18 30 1073741824 16777216 1.6%
26 30 1,073,741,824 308,351,367 28.7
17 31 2147483648 29210830 1.4%
25 31 2,147,483,648 591,580,804 27.5
16 32 4294967296 50859008 1.2%
24 32 4,294,967,296 1,134,964,479 26.4
15 33 8589934592 88550677 1.0%
23 33 8,589,934,592 2,177,461,403 25.3
14 34 17179869184 154175683 0.9%
22 34 17,179,869,184 4,177,521,189 24.3
13 35 34359738368 268435456 0.8%
21 35 34,359,738,368 8,014,692,369 23.3
12 36 68719476736 467373275 0.7%
20 36 68,719,476,736 15,376,413,635 22.4
11 37 137438953472 813744135 0.6%
19 37 137,438,953,472 29,500,083,768 21.5
10 38 274877906944 1416810831 0.5%
18 38 274,877,906,944 56,596,743,751 20.6
9 39 549755813888 2466810934 0.4%
17 39 549,755,813,888 108,582,451,102 19.8
8 40 1099511627776 4294967296 0.4%
16 40 1,099,511,627,776 208,318,498,661 18.9
7 41 2199023255552 7477972398 0.3%
15 41 2,199,023,255,552 399,664,922,315 18.2
6 42 4398046511104 13019906166 0.3%
14 42 4,398,046,511,104 766,768,439,460 17.4
5 43 8796093022208 22668973294 0.3%
13 43 8,796,093,022,208 1,471,066,903,609 16.7
4 44 17592186044416 39468974941 0.2%
12 44 17,592,186,044,416 2,822,283,395,519 16.0
11 45 35,184,372,088,832 5,414,630,391,777 15.4
10 46 70,368,744,177,664 10,388,121,308,479 14.8
9 47 140,737,488,355,328 19,929,904,076,845 14.2
8 48 281,474,976,710,656 38,236,083,765,023 13.6
7 49 562,949,953,421,312 73,357,006,438,603 13.0
6 50 1,125,899,906,842,620 140,737,488,355,328 12.5
5 51 2,251,799,813,685,250 270,008,845,646,446 12.0
4 52 4,503,599,627,370,500 518,019,595,058,136 11.5
8. Appendix B: Background information
8. Appendix B: Background information
8.1. Background
8.1. Background
The impetus for revising the 1999 Provisional IPv6 policy started
The impetus for revising the 1999 Provisional IPv6 policy started
with the APNIC meeting held in Taiwan in August 2001. Follow-on
with the APNIC meeting held in Taiwan in August 2001. Follow-on
discussions were held at the October, 2001 RIPE and ARIN meetings.
discussions were held at the October, 2001 RIPE and ARIN meetings.
During these meetings, the participants recognized an urgent need for
During these meetings, the participants recognized an urgent need for
more detailed, complete policies. One result of the meetings was the
more detailed, complete policies. One result of the meetings was the
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allocation policies could also result in the adoption of practices
allocation policies could also result in the adoption of practices
that lead to premature exhaustion of the address space.
that lead to premature exhaustion of the address space.
It should be noted that the 128-bit address space is divided into
It should be noted that the 128-bit address space is divided into
three logical parts, with the usage of each component managed
three logical parts, with the usage of each component managed
differently. The rightmost 64 bits, the Interface Identifier
differently. The rightmost 64 bits, the Interface Identifier
[RFC2373], will often be a globally-unique IEEE identifier (e.g., mac
[RFC2373], will often be a globally-unique IEEE identifier (e.g., mac
address). Although an “inefficient” way to use the Interface
address). Although an “inefficient” way to use the Interface
Identifier field from the perspective of maximizing the number of
Identifier field from the perspective of maximizing the number of
addressable nodes, the numbering scheme was explicitly chosen to
addressable nodes, the numbering scheme was explicitly chosen to
simplify Stateless Address Autoconfiguration [RFC2462].
simplify Stateless Address Autoconfiguration [RFC2462]. The middle
bits of an address indicate the subnet ID.
The middle 16 bits of an address indicate the subnet ID. Per [RFC
3177, RIRs-on-48s], this field will often be inefficiently utilized,
but the operational benefits of a consistent width subnet field were
deemed to be outweigh the drawbacks.
The decisions to inefficiently utilize the bits to the right of /48
were made under the knowledge and assumption that the bits to the
left of /48 would be managed prudently and that if done so, will be
adequate for the expected lifetime of IPv6 [RFC3177].
8.4. Acknowledgment
8.4. Acknowledgment
The initial version of this document was produced by The JPNIC IPv6
The initial version of this document was produced by The JPNIC IPv6
policy drafting team consisting of Akihiro Inomata, Akinori Maemura,
policy drafting team consisting of Akihiro Inomata, Akinori Maemura,
Kosuke Ito, Kuniaki Kondo, Takashi Arano, Tomohiro Fujisaki, and
Kosuke Ito, Kuniaki Kondo, Takashi Arano, Tomohiro Fujisaki, and
Toshiyuki Yamasaki. Special thanks goes out to this team, who worked
Toshiyuki Yamasaki. Special thanks goes out to this team, who worked
over a holiday in order to produce an initial document quickly.
over a holiday in order to produce an initial document quickly.
An editing team was then organized by representatives from each of
An editing team was then organized by representatives from each of
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