APNIC EC election procedure
The EC elections will take place during APNIC 59. APNIC members may vote via MyAPNIC using two-factor authentication. Online voting opens for APNIC Members on Thursday, 13 February 2025 and proxy online voting opens on Thursday, 27 February 2025.
The final list of nominees has been published on the APNIC 59 website.
General principles
The Executive Council (EC) serves as the governing body of APNIC, as defined in the APNIC By-laws. The membership of this body is selected by election, conducted by secret ballot of the membership. This document describes the procedures to be followed for the conduct of these elections.
Nomination of candidates
Election candidates are to be nominated by an APNIC Member in good standing. Any individual may be nominated by an APNIC Member. All nominations are to be made via the online nomination form, and authorized by the Member’s Corporate Contacts
Each member of the EC is obliged to act in accordance with the APNIC By-laws and in accordance with relevant provisions of Australian Corporate Law as they apply to Board Members of an Australian Corporation. Accordingly, each candidate should be prepared, if elected to the EC, to serve as an individual, not as a representative of any other party, and as a member of the EC, must act at all times in the best interests of APNIC.
As part of the nomination process, the APNIC Secretariat will email each nominee informing them of their nomination as a candidate, accompanied by an information package detailing the role of EC members and their responsibilities and liabilities in undertaking this role. Each nominee is requested to confirm their willingness to act in accordance with these provisions by return email, as confirmation of their nomination and their willingness to serve as an EC member, if elected.
At the end of the nomination period, if the number of confirmed nominees is equal to or less than the number of seats to be filled at the EC election, then no election will be held, and the candidates will be declared elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Any role vacancies in the EC (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) will be filled by appointments by EC members in a regular meeting of the EC following the AGM.
Electoral Committee
The Electoral Committee is established under section 35C of the APNIC By-laws to oversee the eligibility and conduct of nominees in APNIC EC elections. Please see the Electoral Committee section for more information.
EC election timetable
Each year the APNIC Secretariat will publish a timetable for the election no less than nine weeks before the AGM.
The nominations period opens approximately eight weeks before the AGM and closes approximately two weeks before the AGM. All nominated candidates must confirm their nomination by the close of the nominations period.
Member online voting commences a minimum of 10 working days before the AGM, and closes before the start of the afternoon session of the AGM.
Acceptance of proxy appointments commences 10 working days before the AGM and closes 48 hours before the opening of AGM.
The EC Election will be accessible through MyAPNIC to provide a seamless voting experience using the BigPulse voting interface. Online voting will be available to eligible Member’s contacts at any time of day during the online voting period and Members can use any Internet-enabled computer or device to vote online.
APNIC Members can appoint their proxies to vote on their behalf online.
The dates and times that govern the APNIC election process are measured backward from the close of voting on the election day. The election day is the day of the AGM at the APNIC conference where the election is being held.
- Nominations open approximately 8 weeks before AGM day
- Nominations close approximately 2 weeks before AGM day
- Member online voting and proxy appointment open approximately 10 working days before AGM day
- Proxy appointment closes at least 48 hours before the start of the AGM
- Member online voting closes before the start of the afternoon session of the AGM
- Proxy online voting takes place in the morning of the AGM
The published timetable shall be authoritative for the EC election held in that year.
Voting entitlement
Only APNIC Members may vote in the EC elections.
Voting entitlements are available to individuals who are Corporate Contacts, or authorized contacts with voting rights given by the Corporate Contact.
For more information about voting, please refer to the EC voting FAQs.
APNIC Members are entitled to a number of votes according to their Membership Tier:
Membership Tier | IPv4 prefix | IPv6 prefix | Votes |
Associate | None | None | 1 |
Very Small | Up to and including /22 | Up to and including /35 | 2 |
Small | >/22, up to and including /19 | >/35, up to and including /32 | 4 |
Medium | >/19, up to and including /16 | >/32, up to and including /29 | 8 |
Large | >/16, up to and including /13 | >/29, up to and including /26 | 16 |
Very Large | >/13, up to and including /10 | >/26, up to and including /23 | 32 |
Extra Large | >/10 | >/23 | 64 |
Member online voting
Member online voting is available to APNIC Members via MyAPNIC.
Voting entitlements are only available to individuals who are:
- Corporate Contacts, or
- Authorized Contacts with voting rights given by the Corporate Contact
For more information about voting, please refer to the EC voting FAQs .
Proxy appointment
Corporate Contacts may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy holder need not be from the Member organization but will only be permitted to vote online during the AGM. If a proxy is appointed, the Member will lose the right to vote directly for the election.
Read assigning a proxy
Proxy online voting
Proxy online voting takes place during the APNIC AGM. To cast your vote, you will need to login to MyAPNIC using two-factor authentication.
Election officials
Election Chair
The APNIC EC appoints the Election Chair. The Chair’s responsibilities are to:
- Oversee the election process
- Appoint the Election Scrutineers
- Declare the election results
- Resolve disputes
Election Officers
The APNIC EC appoints the Election Officers from the APNIC Secretariat staff. Their responsibilities are to:
- Administer the call for nominations
- Manage the voting processes
- Retrieve the online voting reports
- Report the results to the Election Chair
- Answer queries from Members and voters
Election Scrutineers
The Election Chair appoints the Election Scrutineers from the staff of other RIRs, ICANN, and ISOC who are present at this meeting. Election Scrutineers do not vote, and must be independent from any APNIC Member or candidate. Their responsibilities are to:
- Observe the downloading the election results by the Election Officers
- Notify the Election Chair in case any anomaly or issue is identified
Dispute resolution
Notice of dispute
Any complaint regarding the conduct of the election must be lodged in writing with the Election Chair at the Meeting. Such notices must be lodged no later than one hour before the scheduled time of the declaration of the election, as contained in the agenda of the meeting.
Members may lodge notices of a dispute through their authorized voting representatives. Candidates may lodge a notice of dispute directly with the Election Chair. No other party is entitled to lodge a notice of dispute.
Resolving disputes
The Election Chair will resolve the dispute at his or her discretion. The Election Chair will provide notice of all lodged disputes and the Election Chair’s decision at the declaration of the election.
Declaration of the election result
The Election Chair will announce the result of the election. This declaration will include:
- The name and total vote count received by each candidate in the election
- Notice of any disputes and resolutions
- Disclosure of any communication from the Election Scrutineers regarding any anomaly or issue