IANA oversight transition
The gobal Internet community celebrated the successful conclusion of the IANA stewardship transition, which occurred at midnight on 30 September 2016.
IANA Stewardship Processes Overview

The RIRs and ICANN: How we cooperate
Why does the Internet number community participate in ICANN? There are many good reasons.

NRO address at ICANN 57
My address at the opening ceremony of ICANN 57 in Hyderabad.
Conversation with Izumi Okutani and Paul Wilson about the IANA stewardship transition.
Historical information
IANA functions contract officially expires
The NTIA has announced that as of 1 October 2016 the the IANA functions contract has expired. This marks the transition
of the coordination and management of the Internet’s unique identifiers to the private-sector through a global multistakeholder process.
FAQ about the IANA Stewardship Transition
As the date for the transition draws closer, there are still some questions that remain about the nature of the IANA functions, ICANN, and the likely impacts of the transition. The following FAQ helps to answer some of these questions.
NRO statement on IANA IPRs
The NRO has reviewed the three Intellectual Property Rights agreements currently published for comment and finds that they meet the requirements of the numbers
community as expressed in the CRISP Proposal. For more information, please see the following NRO statement.
NTIA indicates that IANA transition is moving forward
In a blog post dated 16 August 2016, the NTIA announced that based on a thorough review of the IANA Implementation Planning Status Report, and barring any significant impediment,
the NTIA intends to allow the IANA functions contract to expire as of 1 October 2016. For more information, please see the following blog post.
Two committees formed by ICANN
ICANN has formed two committees, the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) and the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC). These are both required for the completion of the IANA Stewardship Transition by the CWG-Stewardship. For more information
about these committees, please see the following ICANN announcement.
Call for public comments on IANA IPR Agreements
A call for comment period is open until 12 September 2016 (23:59 UTC) for input on three agreements concerning intellectual property rights (IPR) related to the IANA Stewardship Transition.
Please submit your comments via email to IANAIPRpubliccomment@ianacg.org. Commenters should clearly reference to which of the agreement(s) their comments apply.
ICANN and RIRs sign SLA for IANA Numbering Services
On 29 June 2016, the RIRs and ICANN signed the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the IANA Numbering Services at ICANN 56 in Helsinki, Finland. This agreement documents the arrangements for provision by
ICANN of IANA Numbering Services, after the IANA stewardship transition, which is expected to occur on 30 September 2016.
This is a significant event in the transition process. The NRO EC would like to thank the CRISP Team for their hard work, and the ICANN Board for their support to finalize the SLA.
IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal meets criteria to complete privatisation
On 9 June 2016, the NTIA announced that the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal developed by the global Internet
multistakeholder community meets the criteria outlined by the NTIA in March 2014. The NTIA, working with other
US government agencies, conducted a thorough review of the Internet community’s proposal to ensure it met this criteria.
Detailed information on the NTIA’s review is available on the NTIA website.
Updated 5.2 and signature version of IANA Numbering Services SLA
The final signature SLA document is now available and is approved for signing. It will go into effect after the transition. To see the track changes and comments from the legal team, please see the
following NRO statement.
Draft 5.1 SLA for the IANA numbering services
Following comments received on the fifth draft of the SLA, version 5.1 is now available. To see the track changes and comments from the legal team, please see the following NRO statement.
Fifth draft SLA for the IANA numbering services
Following comments received during ICANN 55 on the fourth draft of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the IANA numbering service operator and the five RIRs, a fifth draft of the SLA has been produced
and is available for public comments.
The deadline for comments is 15 April 2016.
The fifth draft is a result of consideration of public comments received during the public comment period on the second draft SLA, informational meetings with ICANN staff regarding the operational provisions of the SLA, and ICANN’s written
comments regarding the third and fourth draft SLA.
For more information, please see the following NRO statement.
ICG proposal sent to NTIA
The IANA Stewardship Transition has moved to its final phase with the transmission of the ICG proposal to the NTIA during ICANN 55 in Marrakech.
The ICG proposal includes a SLA agreement signed by the RIRs and ICANN.
The US government will now review the proposal to ensure that it meets the criteria set out by the NTIA when they first announced their intention in March 2014.
Fourth draft SLA for IANA Numbering Services
Following a public comment period for the second draft of the SLA and ICANN’s written comments on the third draft, a fourth draft of the SLA is now available. The document remains written in such a way
that it can be signed as part of the implementation of the IANA transition when this occurs or before, without prejudging the outcome of the ICG coordinated proposal.
IANA session at APRICOT 2016
Join us for a 90-minute IANA Stewardship Transition session at APRICOT 2016 where a panel of speakers will update the community on the current status of the
Current status of CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1 Recommendations
On 8 January 2016, the CCWG-Accountability released its staff report and summary of public comments received on its draft proposal for enhancements to ICANN accountability that have been identified as essential to occur
or be committed to before the IANA Stewardship Transition takes place.
The current status of each CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1 recommendations is available to view.
The CCWG-Accountability will develop a supplemental report of the Work Stream 1 recommendations and have this ready in time for ICANN 55 in Marrakech from 5 to 10 March 2016.
CCWG-Accountability – Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations
The comment period for the CCWG -Accountability’s Draft Proposal for enhancements to ICANN accountability is now open until 21 December 2015
(23:59 UTC). The six Chartering Organizations for the CCWG-Accountability are requested to indicate their support for the recommendations in the proposal and the public are invited to provide comments as well.
Two informational webinars will be hosted on Wednesday, 2 December to facilitate preparation at 11:00-12:30 (UTC) and 20:00-21:30 (UTC).
Third draft of SLA for IANA Number Services available for comment
As a result of public consultation of the second draft of the proposed Service Level Agreement between the IANA Numbering Services and the five RIRs, the CRISP Team has produced a third draft for comment.
They invite ICANN to provide their comments by 30 November 2015 at 23:59 UTC via the IANA Xfer mailing list (ianaxfer@nro.net) and/or at open meetings between the RIRs and ICANN.
ICG finalizes IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal but awaits CCWG conclusion
The ICG has announced it has finalized the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal except for the CCWG part of the proposal.
Before sending the proposal to the NTIA via the ICANN Board, the ICG will await confirmation from the CWG that its accountability requirements have been met.
NRO comments on current ICANN accountability discussions
Ahead of ICANN 54 in Dublin, Ireland, the NRO has commented on the current ICANN accountability discussions and expressed their support
for any ICANN accountability reform proposal which preserves and ensures ICANN’s ability to perform according to binding agreements between the numbers community and ICANN providing, also, that they are consistent with the successful IANA
stewardship transition.
The NRO believes that clarification and formalization of ICANN’s existing designator structure via the “Empowered SO/AC Disignator” model is the most straightforward approach to provide ICANN structural accountability to the community.
The CCWG-Accountability received and analysed 93 comments from the 2nd comment period and the work parties have summarized the inputs.
More information on progress can be found on the following scorecard.
Support the ICG proposal
APNIC, as a member of the Internet numbering community, calls for your support to provide feedback on the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal by 8 September 2015 at 23:59 (UTC).
You can submit your comments via the following form available on the APNIC website.
Thank you for your support.
US Dept of Commerce extends IANA contract by one year
In order for the global Internet multistakeholder community to complete its work regarding the IANA stewardship transition, the US Dept of Commerce’s NTIA has extended the IANA contract with ICANN for one year to 30 September 2016, based on feedback by the community. It is envisioned that this one-year extension will provide the community with the time it needs to finish its work.
The NTIA has the option to extend the contract for up to three additional years if needed.
Call for comments open now for Second draft SLA for IANA numbering services
Call for comments are open now until 31 August 23:59 (UTC) for the second draft of the
Internet Numbers Community Proposal SLA. Please submit your comments to ianaxfer@nro.net.
The second draft SLA has come about after public consultation of the first draft. It includes legally important provisions, background, definition, and explanatory footnotes.
Comments received by the deadline will be processed by the RIRs’ legal team and may be included in a final SLA draft to be presented to ICANN.
Comment period for IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal open now
The comment period for the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal is open now until 8 September. The ICG is encouraging the public to review the proposal and share their feedback on the proposal as a whole and
how it meets the criteria established by the NTIA.
The ICG will be holding two public briefing webinars on Thursday, 6 August (19:00-20:30 (UTC)) and Friday, 7 August (11:00-12:30 (UTC)). Webinar details and how to attend are available.
Number Community Proposal overview
The Internet Number Community, comprising the five RIRs and formalized through the Number Resource Organization (NRO), has developed an infographic outlining the proposal put forward by the Number Community for the IANA Stewardship Transition. The Final Proposal is available to read from the NRO website.
Numbers community perspective on IANA stewardship transition
APNIC Director General, Paul Wilson and Izumi Okutani, Policy Liaison at JPNIC and CRISP Team Chair share their views in this podcast about the next steps of the IANA Stewardship transition from a numbers community perspective.
New Transition Facilitation Calls
At ICANN 53, many of the transition working group chairs agreed to hold monthly facilitation calls to better coordinate agendas,
timelines and expectations. The group agreed that these calls would not be used to discuss matters of substance. The group also agreed to share publicly a working draft transition timeline,
and an audio file of the first community call, which was held on Thursday, 9 July.
Call for comment on draft Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter
You are invited to review and comment on the draft Internet Number Review Committee Charter. Please submit your comments to ianaxfer@nro.net by
6 July 2015 at 23:59 (UTC). The role of the Review Committee is to ensure the service level defined in the proposed SLA for the IANA Numbering Services is maintained by the Numbering Services Operator.
Public comment on CWG-Accountability draft proposal has begun
The Cross Community Working Group on enhancing ICANN Accountability (CWG-Acountability) requests community feedback for the
proposed enhancements to ICANN’s accountability framework. The drafts are available without annexes or with annexes for you to provide your comments on. Comments are due by 3 June 2015 at 23:59 (UTC).
NRO Statement on the Internet Coordination Meeting in London UK, May 2015
Following the two-day meeting to consider current issues affecting the future of the Internet, the NRO has released this statement.
NRO releases draft IANA Numbering Services SLA for comment
Comments are requested by the NRO on a draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) put together by legal experts from different RIRs for the IANA Numbering Services. Comments are due on 14 June 2015 and can be sent to ianaxfer@nro.net. For more information, please see the following blog post.
Second draft of CWG-Stewardship available for public comment
The Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship)
have released a second draft proposal on the naming functions of the IANA Stewardship Transition for a 28-day public comment
period. The public comment period ends on 20 May 2014 23:59 UTC. Comments can be sent to: comments-cwg-stewardship-draft-proposal-22apr15@icann.org. More information is available on how you can submit your comments.
IANA Stewardship Transition Discussions at APNIC Meetings
ICANN 52 ICG Meeting Update
The IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG) met over two days at ICANN 52 to assess the proposals submitted by the numbering and protocol parameters communities. Transcripts of the Day 1 and Day 2 meetings are available. Hear CRISP team members, Izumi Okutani (Chair) and Craig Ng summarize the ICG meeting discussions with Paul Wilson and Pablo Hinojosa.
You can read more in the “Singapore ICG Meeting Update” blog post.
Community comments for ICG’s Request for Proposals
Community comments on the operational community’s RFPs can be submitted directly to the ICG at any time via: icg-forum@icann.org.
The ICG will be discussing the protocol parameters and numbers proposal on 6 Feb. The deadline for comments about this proposal is 4 Feb at 23:59 (UTC).
ICG Proposal Assembly and Finalization Process
which explains the process the ICG will follow for assembly and finalisation of the IANA Stewardship Transition proposal.
CRISP team submits final draft IANA proposal
The CRISP team have submitted the Internet number community’s Final Proposal in response to the ICG’s Request for Proposals. Read Craig Ng’s update on the work done to achieve this huge milestone.
Latest draft of CRISP’s IANA proposal available
The second draft of the Internet numbering community’s proposal to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) is now available
for comment. Comments close on 12 January 2015 (23:59 UTC).
Proposal from protocol parameters community completed
The Draft Response to the Internet Coordination Group Request for Proposals on the IANA protocol parameters registries was formally approved on 6 January 2015.
Read more about the work done towards completion of the document.
Listen to the Second CRISP update call for APNIC community
If you missed the update call last week from the APNIC CRISP team members, you can listen to the second update call here:
CRISP representatives host APNIC community briefing call
The APNIC CRISP team members are hosting a community briefing call on Tuesday 30 December at UTC +3:30. For information on how to join the call, please see Craig Ng’s blog post.
All are welcome to attend.
Draft CRISP Proposal published
The first draft of the Internet numbers community’s response to the Request For Proposals issued by the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG) is
now available. This draft has been prepared by the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) team, and feedback on this draft is now being sought.
Summary of RIR proposals
First Crisp Update
The CRISP team had their first teleconference call on 9 December 2014 where the team discussed its proposed working methodology and agreed to produce a first draft response
to the NTIA Request for Proposals by next week. During the call, Izumi Okutani (APNIC region) was elected at Chair, with Alan Barrett (AFRINIC region) elected as Vice-Chair of the CRISP team.
The next call will be on 11 December at 13:00 (UTC).
APNIC EC announces CRISP Team appointees
The APNIC Executive Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Govind, CEO, NIXI, and Ms Izumi Okutani, Policy Liaison, JPNIC to
the NRO CRISP Team, as representatives of the Asia Pacific regional community.
APNIC EC seeks nominations for CRISP Team
The APNIC EC is seeking qualified individuals to join the CRISP Team as voluntary representatives from our region. This team will be responsible for
producing the Number Community Proposal for IANA transition, for submission to the ICG by 15 January 2015.
For background and details of the CRISP Team, please see the NRO website.
CRISP team process for finalizing RIR proposal to ICG
The NRO has issued a proposal for a process to finalize the transition proposal from the number community.
The proposed CRISP team will include 3 members from each region, including 2 community members and 1 RIR staff. A call for volunteers/nominations for the 2 community members from the Asia Pacific region will soon be issued.
IANA session at APNIC 38
The APNIC Secretariat held a 90-minute consultation session on Wednesday, 17 September to gather input about the IANA stewardship transition
process and provided a draft proposal for the community to discuss.
ICG releases Request For Proposals
The IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG) today issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking complete formal responses from the communities with an operational relationship
with IANA (including the RIRs). The deadline for all complete formal responses to this RFP is 31 December 2014.
ICG finalises charter
The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has finalised its charter, which you can read here.
NRO appoints ICG Representatives
The NRO has selected Paul Wilson and Adiel Akplogan to represent the NRO on the IANA Stewardship
Transition Coordination Group (ICG).
First IANA Stewardship meeting
17-18 July, 2014: The Internet community’s IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) met in London, UK, to develop a proposed charter and scope, discuss a draft timeline for development of the transition proposal,
and work on internal organization, communication needs and participation processes.
Final Process to Develop Proposal Announced
ICANN has announced the result of the community consultation on the process to develop a proposal for the transition of IANA oversight. The updated process, with an explanation of the changes made from the original process proposed by ICANN, is now available.
The IANA transition explained
Here is an overview of the IANA transition and how you can get involved.
Have a look at our simple diagram that illustrates the relationships between ICANN, IANA, the RIRs, and the current US Government role in Internet names and numbers.
NRO response to ICANN’s Call for Input
8 May 2014: The NRO, representing the five RIRs, has considered ICANN’s Call for Public Input in relation to the transition of IANA stewardship.
Read the NRO response to the ICANN Call for Input, which includes responses to the draft proposal, scoping document, and IAB proposal.
ICANN Call for Public Input
8 April 2014: Following the 24 March session on IANA Stewardship Transition, held at ICANN 49, ICANN now asks for community input on the following questions:
- What are the most important principles for this process?
- What mechanisms are important to ensure a well-run process?
All input is requested by 8 May 2014. APNIC community members are welcome to also submit their questions and feedback to the IANAxfer mailing list.
New IANA functions infographic
Not sure what IANA does? Have a look at this infographic.
New mailing list!
APNIC has opened a new public mailing list for discussions on the desired process and outcomes of the IANA oversight transfer. If you are interested in contributing, or would like to stay up to date with what the community is talking about,
subscribe now!
More information about the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal Team (CRISP Team) is available, including archived information.
In March 2014, the US Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced its intention to transition the stewardship of the IANA functions to the Internet community. This transition has been envisaged since ICANN was established, and the NRO has stated its support for this transition on several past occasions.
- NTIA Announces Intent to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions
- Statement from the I* Leaders Coordination Meeting
- Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation
- NRO letter to ICANN on the future of the IANA contract
- Explanation of the IANA functions
- The RIR’s and NRO’s relationship to IANA
Part of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) function is to allocate Internet number resources (IPv4, IPv6, and AS Numbers) to the Regional Internet Registries, including APNIC. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) currently performs the IANA functions under contract to the NTIA.
ICANN was asked to convene the process to develop a plan for the transition of the US Government stewardship of the IANA functions to the Internet community. The first meeting to discuss this process was in Singapore on 24 March,and a draft proposal on how this process will work will be released by ICANN for public comment on 7 April 2014.
Certain changes to the administration of the IANA functions can have an impact on the APNIC community. APNIC is dependent on IANA functions including IPv4, IPv6, and ASN registry services, and reverse DNS services, and these must continue in a stable,secure, and accountable way.
The APNIC EC is committed to the inclusion of the APNIC community’s views in the ICANN consultation process. APNIC has established an open mailing list for community discussion of the process and desired outcome.
This page will be updated regularly with news and additional resources as the process develops.