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Apster Bulletin

Issue 28: 31 October 2013


Asia Pacific Network Information Centre

Montevideo statement on Internet cooperation

Earlier this month, the leaders of various Internet technical coordination organizations met in Montevideo, Uruguay, to discuss current issues facing the Internet, including the impact of recent Internet surveillance revelations, and the way forward towards improved Internet cooperation. They produced a statement based on their discussions.

The statement calls for a number of important steps, including: increased effort on the enhancement of global multistakeholder Internet cooperation; the globalization of ICANN and IANA functions, so that all stakeholders including all governments are able to participate on an equal footing; and ongoing attention to the need for global IPv6 deployment.


IGF 2013 in Bali a success

APNIC participated, along with the other RIRs, in the 8th global Internet Governance Forum. This year, as the IGF was in the Asia Pacific region, APNIC played a significant role in working with the local organizers to help make the event a success.

Several summaries of workshops attended by APNIC staff are available online, including the draft reports of two NRO workshops, "IPv4 markets and legacy space" and "The importance of regional coordination in Internet governance".

Throughout the week, the multistakeholder approach to Internet governance was emphasized as the most effective way to enable different stakeholders to play their respective roles in shaping Internet related policies. Going forward, there were discussions about how the multistakeholder model can evolve to include more meaningful participation from all stakeholders.

Transcripts from the week are available online. There is a new home for IGF content, owned by the entire Internet community! is a living project to store video, transcripts, and commentary.

Seed Alliance

The Seed Alliance at IGF 2013

The Seed Alliance, which encompasses small grants and awards programs administered by three RIRs, ISIF Asia (APNIC), FIRE (AFRINIC), and FRIDA (LACNIC), had a strong presence at the 2013 global IGF. The Seed Alliance Awards celebrated the contributions of innovators in the global south towards local and global Internet development.

Seed Alliance Award winners attended the IGF as part of their award package, to take part in discussions and make valuable contacts. The Seed Alliance Open Forum was an opportunity for award winners to present their projects and provide input to the Internet community about the challenges facing Internet development at a local level.

The Seed Alliance Workshop was a roundtable discussion to explore current funding mechanisms available.

Second Australian IGF highly interactive

APNIC supported and participated in the 2013 auIGF in Melbourne on 16 and 17 October 2013, the week before the global IGF. APNIC's Director General Paul Wilson was on the event's first panel, "The role of the Internet in breaking down national, social, and cultural borders". APNIC's Legal Counsel Craig Ng moderated the following panel, "Legal frameworks and the Internet: A recipe for failure?" Paul Wilson was also on the final panel, "Making the multistakeholder model work: Frameworks for Internet Cooperation".

Video footage of the event is now available for each session. APNIC compiled summaries to the above-mentioned panels, as well as a Q&A session with representatives of the Australian Department of Communications, "WCIT and Beyond: What has the government been up to lately?"

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