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Apster Bulletin

Issue 24: 30 May 2013


Internet governance

IGF 2013 theme recommended

Last week, APNIC's Director General, Paul Wilson participated in the second Open Consultation and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting for the 2013 Internet Governance Forum as a member of the MAG, which acts as the IGF program committee. The transcripts of those meetings are available online. The MAG recommended the main theme "Building Bridges: Enhancing multistakeholder cooperation for growth and sustainable development" to the United Nations, along with several possible sub-themes. You can review past IGF themes to see how they have evolved.

The IGF program will come together during the next few months based upon these proposed themes. It is important for the technical community to participate in national, regional, and global Internet governance initiatives to share information that will not only inform the IGF program, but also facilitate better policy decisions that affect all Internet users. If you would like to share your expertise, you can register as a Resource Person to participate in a panel. If you would like to hold a booth, Open Forum, or Dynamic Coalition at IGF 2013, the deadline for submissions is 30 June, 2013.

APNIC 36 Xi'an, China

APNIC 36 update

The APNIC 36 Workshop and Conference registration is now open! Please take a few minutes to read the Terms and Conditions of registration.

A draft Conference program is now available online. Subscribe to the iCal version for updates.

APNIC 36 Fellowships are also open for applications. If you are from a developing economy within the Asia Pacific region, and you have not attended an APNIC Conference, we encourage you to apply!

Viet Nam IPv6 Launch

Viet Nam IPv6 Launch

APNIC participated in the official Viet Nam IPv6 Launch in early May, organized by the Viet Nam National IPv6 Task Force, which is a joint initiative by the Viet Nam Ministry of Information and Communications and VNNIC. APNIC's Senior IPv6 Program Specialist, Miwa Fujii, gave a presentation entitled, "Business and Innovation: The IPv6 Balancing Act" to highlight the strong business case for IPv6 deployment.

APNIC also featured in an issue of Viet Nam's ICT Magazine, which is produced by the Viet Nam Ministry of Information and Communications. You can read the article in Viet Namese, or the contribution that was originally provided in English.

APNIC Blabs: But that's impossible!

The APNIC Labs team has been running an experiment on IPv6 readiness on the global Internet, where several website administrators have agreed to use a javascript test code to track their visitors' capability. Other measurements are taken through online advertisements.

The tests, which have measured up to 1 million clients every day, have produced some unexpected results! Read the full post about the IPv6 DNS query experiment.

LEA Workshop

This month, APNIC participated in a workshop for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) in Wellington, New Zealand. The workshop outlined the role of APNIC as the Asia Pacific Internet Registry and covered the registry functions including maintaining the APNIC Whois Database.

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