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Apster Bulletin

Issue 23: 30 April 2013



APNIC at the 2013 Pacific Forum

Last week, APNIC staff attended the 2013 Pacific Forum in Apia, Samoa. The 2013 Pacific Forum is a joint gathering of the Pacific Islands Telecommunication Association (PITA), the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT), and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). APNIC regularly attends and actively participates at the PITA AGM and other Asia Pacific intergovernmental forums.

APNIC Director General Paul Wilson gave two presentations during the week. The first was on IPv6 as an essential component to broadband deployment, and the second was on Internet addressing and numbering standards, noting the differences in numbering standards and practices between telephony and the Internet.

multistakeholder dialogue

APNIC contributes to WTPF preparations

APNIC actively participated in the preparations for the upcoming World Telecommunications/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF) in May. APNIC collaborated with the other RIRs as part of the NRO and other Internet organizations, providing comments on the different drafts of a report from the ITU Secretary-General, that later included six annexed Opinions. The NRO has issued a commentary to these Opinions focusing on capacity building for IPv6 deployment and the transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

APNIC Director General Paul Wilson also authored an article on IP addressing in the 2010s, stressing that successful deployment of IPv6 ensures long-term growth and success of the Internet, and is vital for maintaining the critical technical features of the Internet, which are: globality, neutrality, and openness.

Read more about these collaborative contributions to the WTPF.


ISIF Asia Award nominations close soon

ISIF Asia Award nominations close on 15 May 2013! The ISIF Asia Awards recognize five innovative projects that use the Internet as a social development tool to promote access, openness, inclusion, and human rights.

Winners will be awarded AUD 3,000 to support the continuation of their project, plus a travel grant to attend the awards ceremony at the 8th Internet Governance Forum in Bali, Indonesia in October 2013.

ISIF Asia is a proud member of the Seed Alliance. Like ISIF Asia on Facebook!

Sponsor APNIC 36

APNIC Conferences provide a forum where interested stakeholders can actively participate, exchange ideas, and be involved in facilitating the growth and development of the Internet. Registration, Call for Papers, and Fellowship applications open in May; check soon for details.

Sponsoring an APNIC Conference allows you to provide direct support to assist with the growth and management of the Internet, and reduces participation costs, especially for those attendees from developing economies. Have a look at the Sponsor Proposal document for full details.

Beijing IPv6 Summit

Senior IPv6 Program Specialist Miwa Fujii presented at the Global IPv6 Summit in Beijing.

APNIC attends the Global IPv6 Summit to present information in support of real and tangible IPv6 deployment in the Asia Pacific region.

Although each organization has a different timetable and budget for their transition, Carrier Grade NAT or similar mechanisms that provide IPv4-to-IPv4 connectivity on Network Address Translator (NAT) platforms are not transition mechanisms to IPv6. These only serve to extend the lifetime of IPv4 and should be considered a short-term solution at best. Any IPv6 transition technology should align with long-term goals to complete a transition to IPv6.

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