Service Announcement: 20 February 2025

Start Time Wednesday, 5 February 2025 09:04 (UTC +10)
End Time Tuesday, 11 February 2025 08:36 (UTC +10)
Duration 143 hours 32 minutes
Services affected

Membership Application Form


An update to the backend API domain name on APNIC’s Membership Application form was performed incorrectly, resulting in a configuration that caused dynamic API responses to be cached.

This made it possible for some applicant information (such as names and basic contact information) to be served to unrelated users when they visited the site. Application information could not be edited by unrelated users.

The erroneous API update did not affect files uploaded to APNIC as part of the application process, so any files attached to an application were not visible.

APNIC’s analysis indicated that there were five (5) instances of cached application forms being presented to unrelated users.  APNIC was able to identify the applications where information was incorrectly served, and has informed the affected users.

A review of processes for making application updates and domain changes will begin to minimise the risk of a similar error occurring again. Review processes will also be improved to detect any such problem sooner in the future.

We apologize for the loss of facilities and any inconvenience caused. Should you require assistance in dealing with any problems arising from this outage, please contact the APNIC Helpdesk.