Service announcement: 11 June 2018

Start Time Monday, 11 June 2018 08:30 (UTC+10)
End Time Monday, 11 June 2018 09:00 (UTC+10)
Duration 30 minutes
Services affected

Whois, MyAPNIC


The APNIC Whois server will be updated to support bcrypt for password hashes. APNIC will use the bcrypt password hash by default for all new member maintainer/IRT objects, and also when a user changes their maintainer/IRT password via MyAPNIC.

The existing Whois authentication methods (CRYPT-PW, MD5-PW, PGPKEY) are not affected by these updates, and objects using those existing methods will not be changed as part of the updates.

We apologize for the loss of facilities and any inconvenience caused. Should you require assistance in dealing with any problems arising from this outage, please contact the APNIC Helpdesk.