
Corporate Governance



Executive Council (EC)

The APNIC membership is governed by the APNIC EC, who are elected by the APNIC membership. EC Members serve as individuals who are committed to this role for the benefit of APNIC. The EC meets face-to-face four times a year. You can also view a list of past EC Members.

EC Obligations

The conduct of the EC and the roles and obligations of the EC Members are governed by the APNIC By-laws. You can read a summary of the EC obligations.

Rules and Laws

The rules and laws which govern APNIC operations under Australian law are contained in the APNIC By-laws, Articles of Association, and the Memorandum of Association. These and other documents including the Membership Agreements are available on the Documents section of the APNIC website. 


APNIC Pty Ltd is a not-for-profit company incorporated in Australia. The Executive Council also serve as the Directors of APNIC Pty Ltd. There is one share on issue in APNIC Pty Ltd which is held on trust for the Executive Council, as the elected representatives of APNIC’s Members, by APNIC EC Limited. APNIC EC Limited is a public company limited by guarantee with the Executive Council serving as both the Members and Directors of the company. A staff member of the APNIC Secretariat may be appointed as a director of the company to meet resident Director requirements under Australian law.

The Trustee of the share in APNIC Pty Ltd has changed over time, each of the documents relating to the Trustee can be viewed below:

  • View the original Declaration of Trust here
  • View the appointment of Paul Wilson (Director General) as Trustee here
  • View the appointment of APNIC EC Limited as Trustee here
  • The constitution of APNIC EC Limited can be viewed here

APNIC holds elections for the Executive Council (EC) and the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) Members can vote online via MyAPNIC.

APNIC Secretariat

The APNIC Secretariat operates to serve its stakeholders by helping the APNIC community achieve APNIC’s objectives.

Financial Audit 

Every year APNIC undertakes a full financial audit conducted by a major accounting firm. The current Auditor’s Report is available to view. The audit firm is rotated at least every five years.

Secretariat Staff

Learn more about the APNIC Team, including the Director General.

APNIC Members

APNIC is a membership-based organization and exists for the benefit of all its stakeholders. APNIC has over 9,200 Members throughout the 56 economies of the Asia Pacific region. Live Membership and resource allocation data are available from our statistics portal.


All APNIC Secretariat Staff and EC Members are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and adhere to the APNIC Privacy Statement.

Activity Plan and Budget

The Activity Plan and Budget outlines the work the Secretariat will undertake and the expected budget required to complete the planned activities. Progress against success measuresis also reported.

Financial Reports

Comprehensive and audited full year financial and operational positions are made available in Annual Reports. APNIC’s Annual Reports dating back to 1997 are available. APNIC also provides monthly financial performance reports to the EC and these are contained in the EC minutes. 


APNIC produces a four-year strategy to guide its activities.


Members can vote in the EC or NRO NC elections. APNIC makes it easy to apply to become a Member and apply for resources.

Mailing Lists

APNIC hosts and maintains a number of mailing lists to facilitate topical discussion. You can subscribe to APNIC-Announce or APNIC-Talk and visit the archived lists. You can also participate in the Policy SIG discussions by subscribing to the sig-policy mailing list.

Member Feedback

APNIC conducts regular Member and Stakeholder Surveys to decide how to invest APNIC resources. Members can also provide feedback by contacting the Member Services Helpdesk, joining discussions on the APNIC-Talk mailing list, or participating in the APNIC Member Meeting either in person or online.


Use this form to appeal an operational decision by the APNIC Secretariat to APNIC management.

Whistleblowing Policy

All current and former APNIC staff and suppliers can report wrongdoing through APNIC’s Whistleblower Policy to ensure the highest standards of integritycorporate compliance, and good corporate governance.

Policy Development

IP resources are shared and available for use by anyone who needs them. The open, transparent, bottom-up Policy Development Process ensures that Internet resources are distributed fairly across the region.

The Policy Development Process

Anyone can propose and discuss policies; all discussions and decisions are documented; and it is the community that drives policy development. The Policy Development Process was designed by the community and is open for community review. APNIC documents all policy discussions and decisions.

Open Mic

Anyone can contribute to policy discussion, either through the Policy SIG mailing lists, or at the APNIC Conferences.

Internet Cooperation

APNIC cooperates with regional and global organizations in the Internet community. These include the I* organizations, AP* organizations, Network Operator Groups (NOGs), and governmental and intergovernmental organizations, to advance the open, multistakeholder model of Internet cooperation.

Law Enforcement Agency Engagement

APNIC engages with Law Enforcement Agencies in the Asia Pacific region on matters relating to Internet security issues. APNIC works proactively with LEAs to create a better understanding of how the Internet registry system operates and what publicly available information is available in the APNIC Whois Database. APNIC also provides training relevant to LEA requirements.

APNIC Conferences

Every six months, APNIC holds events for the APNIC community for policy development, decision-making, education, information sharing, and networking. APNIC provides current and archived audio, video, and transcripts of all main events, including the Policy Special Interest Group meeting and the APNIC Member Meeting. All previous meetings are archived.

Member Meetings

APNIC holds Member meetings twice a year that coincide with APNIC Conferences. The first meeting of the year is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the second meeting is the APNIC Member Meeting. Online voting is also held for the EC and NRO NC elections.


APNIC collects and displays statistics on Internet resource distribution. The statistics portal allows for analysis of IP addressing trends at their origin. For any raw data, you can also refer to the APNIC FTP site.