APNIC Executive Council

The APNIC Executive Council (EC) serves as the governing board of APNIC, as defined in the APNIC By-laws. Each member of the EC serves a two-year term of office but is eligible for re-election at the end of each term.

The APNIC Executive Council meets at four regularly scheduled meetings per year. The minutes of these meetings are published approximately one month after each meeting.

Read more about the roles and obligations of the APNIC EC.


The APNIC EC consists of seven elected members and the Director General of APNIC. A Council Chair, a Treasurer, and a Secretary are elected by the EC from the seven elected EC members.

Any APNIC Member may nominate any individual to serve on the APNIC EC.

Read more about APNIC EC Elections.

How is the EC Structured?

Budget and Activity Plan Approval

As part of the APNIC EC’s role, it manages the activities, functions and affairs of APNIC, including the establishment of the basis for APNIC’s budget and activity plan.

Each year, the APNIC EC, in consultation with the APNIC Secretariat, will determine the activity plan for the following year, and adopt a draft budget based on the activity plan. The proposed activity plan and budget are then published ahead of the APNIC AGM for feedback and comments from APNIC Members.

At the AGM, the APNIC EC will present the activity plan and budget, and discuss them with the APNIC Members.

The APNIC EC is responsible for the final adoption of the budget after receiving the feedback and comments from APNIC Members. APNIC Members have the right to review and/or to amend any decisions of the APNIC EC by a 2/3 majority of the votes of the entire membership.

Membership Dues/Fees

Under the APNIC By-laws, the power for establishing the membership dues/fees for APNIC Members rests with the APNIC EC. The payment of such dues is a condition precedent to effective membership of APNIC.

The APNIC EC has the discretion and power to reduce or waive the requirements of fees for deserving organizations from year to year. Under this power, the APNIC EC has discounted the membership dues/fees payable for Members from least developed countries by 50%.


The APNIC EC has established two standing sub-committees to assist with the business of the EC. These sub-committees are governed by Charters adopted by the EC, which are set out below along with the current members of each sub-committee.

Ad hoc sub-committees may be established from time to time for specific projects.

Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Established: 10 December 2024

Charter: Finance, Risk & Audit Committee Charter (v1.0) (10 December 2024)

Current members (as at 10 December 2024): Roopinder Singh Perhar (Chair), Yoshinobu Matsuzaki, and Sumon Ahmed Sabir

Remuneration Committee

Established: 10 December 2024

Charter: Remuneration Committee Charter (v1.0) (10 December 2024)

Current members (as at 10 December 2024): Vincent “Achie” Atienza (Chair), Kenny Huang, Anlei Hu, and Kam Sze Yeung

Contact the APNIC EC

The APNIC EC welcome comments and suggestions from APNIC Members and stakeholders. Contact via the EC Submission feature in MyAPNIC or via contact form.