Policy proposals
This page lists all current policy proposals, their status in the APNIC Policy Development Process (PDP), and the Secretariat impact assessment.
Did not reach consensus at APNIC 59
On behalf of the APNIC community we would like to acknowledge the proposal authors for their contribution to the bottom-up policy development process.
Proposal Number | Proposal Title | Author/s | Proposed Year | OPM | Implemented Year |
Assignment of Temporary IP Resources | Christopher Hawker | 2023 | APNIC 57 | 2025 | |
Resizing of IPv4 assignment for the IXPs | Simon Sohel Baroi and Aftab Siddiqui | 2023 | APNIC 57 | 2025 | |
IPv6 PI assignment for associate members | Aftab Siddiqui and Simon Sohel Baroi | 2023 | APNIC 56 | 2024 | |
Restricting non hierarchical as-set | Aftab Siddiqui | 2023 | APNIC 55 | 2023 | |
ROA/whois object with Private, Reserved and Unallocated (reserved/available) Origin ASN | Aftab Siddiqui | 2023 | APNIC 55 | 2023 | |
Historical Resources Management | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2022 | APNIC 54 | 2023 | |
Aligning the Contrast | Anupam Agarwal | 2022 | APNIC 54 | 2022 | |
Single Source for Definitions | Anupam Agrawal | 2022 | APNIC 55 | 2023 | |
Reserve pool under Experimental Allocation Policy | Anupam Agarwal, Amirta Choudhury, and Simon Sohel Baroi | 2022 | APNIC 53 | 2022 | |
ASN to Customer | Jordi Palet Martínez and Anupam Agarwal | 2022 | APNIC 53 | 2022 | |
Unify Transfer Policies Text | Jordi Palet Martínez and Amrita Choudhury | 2022 | APNIC 53 | 2022 | |
Update End-Site Definition | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2021 | |
SOR not required | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2021 | |
Restricting AS-ID in ROA | Aftab Siddiqui | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2021 | |
Registration Requirements | Simon Sohel Baroi and Amrita Choudhury | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2021 | |
Documentation | Amrita Choudhury and Simon Sohel Baroi | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2021 | |
Clarification on Sub-Assignments | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2020 | APNIC 49 | 2021 | |
prop-132 | RPKI ROAs for unallocated and unassigned APNIC address space (was: AS0 for Bogons) |
Aftab Siddiqui | 2019 | APNIC 48 | 2020 |
prop-131 | Editorial changes in IPv6 Policy | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2019 | APNIC 48 | 2020 |
prop-129 | Abolish Waiting list for unmet IPv4 requests | Aftab Siddiqui | 2019 | APNIC 47 | 2019 |
prop-128 | Multihoming not required for ASN | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2019 | APNIC 47 | 2019 |
prop-125 | Validation of “abuse-mailbox” and other IRT emails | Jordi Palet Martínez and Aftab Siddiqui | 2018 | APNIC 46 | 2019 |
prop-127 | Change maximum delegation size of 103/8 IPv4 address pool to a /23 | Ching-Heng Ku, Aftab Siddiqui, Yen-Chieh Wang | 2019 | APNIC 47 | 2019 |
prop-122 | Updating “Subsequent IPv6 allocation” policy | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2017 | APNIC 44 | 2017 |
prop-121 | Updating “Initial IPv6 allocation” policy | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2017 | APNIC 44 | 2017 |
prop-117 | Returned IPv4 address management and Final /8 exhaustion | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2017 | APNIC 43 | 2017 |
prop-116 | Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in the final /8 block | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2016 | APNIC 42 | 2017 |
prop-114 | Modification in the ASN eligibility criteria | Aftab Siddiqui, Skeeve Stevens | 2015 | APNIC 39 | 2016 |
prop-113 | Modification in the IPv4 eligibility criteria | Aftab Siddiqui, Skeeve Stevens | 2015 | APNIC 39 | 2016 |
prop-109 | Allocate and to APNIC Labs as Research Prefixes | Geoff Huston | 2014 | APNIC 37 | 2014 |
prop-108 | Suggested changes to the APNIC Policy Development Process | Dean Pemberton, Izumi Okutani | 2013 | APNIC 36 | 2014 |
prop-107 | AS number transfer policy proposal | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2013 | APNIC 36 | 2014 |
prop-105 | Distribution of returned IPv4 address (Modification of prop-088) | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2013 | APNIC 35 | 2014 |
prop-104 | Clarifying demonstrated needs requirement in IPv4 transfer policy | Shin SHIRAHATA, Norisuke HIRAI, Akira NAKAGAWA | 2012 | APNIC 34 | 2013 |
prop-102 | Sparse allocation guidelines for IPv6 resource allocations | Dean Pemberton, Ren-Hung Hwang | 2012 | APNIC 33 | 2012 |
prop-101 | Removing multihoming requirement for IPv6 portable assignments | David Woodgate | 2012 | APNIC 33 | 2013 |
prop-097 | Global policy for post exhaustion IPv4 allocation mechanisms by the IANA | Alejandro Acosta, Nicolas Antoniello, S. Moonesamy, Douglas Onyango, Medel Ramirez, Masato Yamanishi |
2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-096 | Maintaining demonstrated needs requirement in transfer policy after the final /8 phase |
Tomohiro Fujisaki, Co-authors Masaru Akai, Fuminori Tanizaki, Toshio Tachibana, Akira Nakagawa |
2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-095 | Inter-RIR IPv4 address transfer proposal | Tomohiro Fujisaki, CO AUTHOR: Fuminori Tanizaki, Masaru Akai, Toshio Tachibana, Akira Nakagaw |
2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-094 | Removing renumbering requirement from final /8 policy | Izumi Okutani, Terence Zhang Yinghao | 2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-093 | Reducing the minimum delegation size for the final /8 policy | Randy Bush, Andy Linton, Philip Smith, Terence Zhang Yinghao | 2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-088 | Distribution of IPv4 addresses once the final /8 period starts | Randy Bush, Philip Smith | 2010 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-083 | Alternative criteria for subsequent IPv6 allocations | Skeeve Stevens | 2010 | APNIC 29 | 2011 |
prop-082 | Removing aggregation criteria for IPv6 initial allocations | Tomohiro Fujisaki, Akira Nakagawa ,Fuminori Tanizaki, Masaru Akai , Toshio Tachibana |
2010 | APNIC 29 | 2010 |
prop-080 | Removal of IPv4 prefix exchange policy | Guangliang Pan | 2010 | APNIC 29 | 2010 |
prop-079 | Abuse contact information | Tobias Knecht | 2010 | APNIC 29 | 2010 |
prop-075 | Ensuring efficient use of historical AS numbers | Guangliang Pan | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2010 |
prop-074 | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Policy for Allocation of ASN Blocks (ASNs) to Regional Internet Registries Ratified by the ICANN Board Executive Committee and implemented by the IANA |
Andrew de la Haye, Stacy Hughes | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2009 |
prop-073 | Simplifying allocation/assignment of IPv6 to APNIC members with existing IPv4 addresses |
Terry Manderson,Andy Linton | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2010 |
prop-066 | Ensuring efficient use of historical IPv4 resources | Brenda D. Tarimel, Philip Smith, James Spenceley | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2009 |
prop-065 | Format for delegation and recording of 4-byte AS numbers | James Spenceley | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2008 |
prop-064 | Change to assignment policy for AS numbers | James Spenceley | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2009 |
prop-062 | Use of final /8 | Philip Smith, Jonny Martin, Randy Bush | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2009 |
prop-061 | 32-bit ASNs for documentation purposes | Philip Smith, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Tomoya Yoshida | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2008 |
prop-057 | Proposal to change IPv6 initial allocation criteria | Toshiyuki Hosaka, Izumi Okutani | 2008 | APNIC 25 | 2008 |
prop-055 | Global policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space | Roque Gagliano, ANTEL, Francisco Obispo, CENIT, Haitham EL Nakhal, MCIT, Didier Allain Kla, ISOC Cote d’Ivoire, JPNIC IPv4 countdown policy team: Akinori Maemura, Akira Nakagawa, Izumi Okutani, Kosuke Ito, Kuniaki Kondo, Shuji Nakamura, Susumu Sato, Takashi Arano, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Tomoya Yoshida, Toshiyuki Hosaka |
2008 | APNIC 25 | 2009 |
prop-054 | NIR operational policy document revision | Sanjaya, Terry Manderson | 2008 | APNIC 25 | 2008 |
prop-053 | Changing minimum IPv4 allocation size to /22 | Rajesh Chharia | 2008 | APNIC 25 | 2008 |
prop-050 | IPv4 address transfers | Geoff Huston, Philip Smith | 2007 | APNIC 24 | 2010 |
prop-049 | IANA policy for allocation of ASN blocks to RIRs | AfriNIC, APNIC,ARIN,LACNIC,RIPE NCC | 2007 | APNIC 24 | 2007 |
prop-041 | IPv6 assignment size to critical infrastructure | APNIC | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2006 |
prop-038 | Amending APNIC’s lame DNS reverse delegation policy | Terry Manderson | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2007 |
prop-035 | IPv6 portable assignment for multihoming | Katsuyasu Toyama, Takashi Arano, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Toshinori Ishii, Kosuke Ito, Dai Nishino, Noriaktsu Ohishi, Izumi Okutani |
2006 | APNIC 22 | 2007 |
prop-033 | End site assignment policy for IPv6 | Geoff Huston, Randy Bush | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2007 |
prop-032 | 4-byte AS number policy proposal Adopted by all RIRs | Geoff Huston | 2005 | APNIC 21 | 2007 |
prop-031 | Proposal to amend APNIC IPv6 assignment and utilisation requirement policy |
Stephan Millet, Geoff Huston | 2005 | APNIC 20 | 2007 |
prop-030 | Deprecation of ip6.int reverse DNS service in APNIC | Sanjaya | 2005 | APNIC 20 | 2006 |
prop-027 | The second phase of Large Space IPv4 Trial Usage Program for Future IPv6 Deployment |
Kosuke Ito, Yoshiyuki Ezura, Tsukasa Ogino, Gaku Hashimoto | 2005 | APNIC 19 | 2005 |
prop-026 | APNIC to publish address assignment statistics | Toshiyuki Hosaka | 2005 | APNIC 19 | 2005 |
prop-025 | Proposal on IPv6 IRR service at APNIC | Toyama Katsuyasu | 2004 | APNIC 18 | 2006 |
prop-022 | A proposal to abolish redundant charges in IPv6 allocations | Izumi Okutani | 2004 | APNIC 18 | 2005 |
prop-021 | Expansion of the initial allocation space for existing IPv6 address space holders |
Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2004 | APNIC 18 | 2005 |
prop-018 | Protecting historical records in the APNIC Whois Database | APNIC | 2004 | APNIC 17 | 2004 |
prop-017 | Recovery of unused address space | APNIC | 2004 | APNIC 17 | 2005 |
prop-016 | IPv6 allocations to IPv4 networks | APNIC | 2004 | APNIC 17 | 2004 |
prop-015 | Should APNIC allocate global unicast IPv6 address space to ‘unconnected’ networks? |
APNIC | 2004 | APNIC 17 | 2004 |
prop-014 | A proposal to lower the IPv4 minimum allocation size and initial allocation criteria in the Asia Pacific region |
APNIC | 2004 | APNIC 17 | 2004 |
prop-012 | Improving reliability of IRR database | Masasi Eto | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2003 |
prop-011 | IXP assignments Consensus elements of proposal were implemented |
Bill Woodcock | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2004 |
prop-010 | Protecting resource records in APNIC Whois Database | APNIC | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2004 |
prop-008 | IANA IPv4 resource request procedures Adopted by all RIRs | Randy Bush | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2003 |
prop-007 | Privacy of customer assignment records | Joint RIRs | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2005 |
prop-006 | Supporting historical resource transfers | APNIC | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2004 |
prop-005 | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) policy for allocation of IPv6 blocks to Regional Internet Registries Adopted by all RIRs |
APNIC | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2004 |
prop-004 | Lame delegation cleanup revised | APNIC | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2006 |
prop-002 | Documentation policy | APNIC | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2004 |
prop-001 | Policy process modification | APNIC | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2003 |
On behalf of the APNIC community we would like to acknowledge the proposal authors for their contribution to
the bottom-up policy development process.
Abandoned and Withdrawn
Proposal Number | Proposal Title | Author/s | Proposed Year | OPM | Abandoned Year |
prop-160 | Change IPv6 Initial assignment to /44 for Organizations Eligible for multihoming | Md. Rafeeun Noby Babir and Muhammad Redwanul Karim | 2024 | APNIC 58 | 2025 |
prop-161 | Using IPv6 for Internet of Things (IoT) | Guangliang Pan (Benny), Wei Wong (Wesley), Qiang Li, Yaling Tan | 2024 | APNIC 58 | 2024 |
prop-159 | Reduction of minimum IPv6 allocation size form /32 to /36 | Christopher Munz-Michielin | 2024 | APNIC 58 | 2024 |
prop-158 | IPv6 auto-allocation for each IPv4 request | David Aditya Yoga Pratama and M. Andri Setiawan | 2024 | APNIC 57 | 2024 |
prop-157 | Temporary IPv4 Transfers | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2024 | APNIC 57 | 2024 |
prop-153 | Proposed changes to PDP | Bertrand Cherrier | 2023 | APNIC 56 | 2023 |
prop-152 | Reduce the IPv4 delegation from /23 to /24 | Rajesh Chharia and Vivek Narayan | 2023 | APNIC 56 | 2023 |
prop-149 | Change of maximum delegation for less than /21 total IPv4 holdings | Shubham Agarwal and Gaurav Kansal | 2023 | APNIC 55 | 2023 |
prop-148 | Leasing of Resources is not Acceptable | Jordi Palet Martinez, Amrita Choudhury, and Fernando Frediani | 2022 | APNIC 54 | 2023 |
prop-141 | Change maximum delegation size of IPv4 address from 512 ( /23 ) to 768 (/23+/24) addresses | Simon Sohel Baroi and Aftab Siddiqui | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2022 |
prop-137 | IPv6 assignment for associate members | Simon Sohel Baroi and Aftab Siddiqui | 2021 | APNIC 52 | 2023 |
prop-130 | Modification of transfer policies | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2019 | APNIC 48 | 2021 |
prop-134 | PDP Update | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2020 | APNIC 49 | 2020 |
prop-126 | PDP Update | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2018 | APNIC 46 | 2019 |
prop-124 | Clarification on Sub-Assignments | Jordi Palet Martínez | 2018 | APNIC 46 | 2019 |
prop-118 | No need policy in APNIC region | Heng Lu | 2017 | APNIC 43 | 2019 |
prop-123 | Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy | Alex Yang | 2018 | APNIC 45 | 2018 |
prop-120 | Final /8 pool exhaustion plan | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2017 | APNIC 44 | 2018 |
prop-119 | Temporary transfers | David Hilario | 2017 | APNIC 44 | 2018 |
prop-115 | Registration of detailed assignment information in whois DB | Ruri Hiromi, Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2015 | APNIC 39 | 2016 |
prop-112 | On demand expansion of IPv6 address allocation size in legacy IPv6 space | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2015 | APNIC 39 | 2015 |
prop-111 | Request-based expansion of IPv6 default allocation size | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2014 | APNIC 37 | 2014 |
prop-110 | Designate as Anycast to support DNS Infrastructure | Dean Pemberton, Geoff Huston | 2014 | APNIC 37 | 2014 |
prop-106 | Restricting excessive IPv4 address transfers under the final /8 block | Shin SHIRAHATA, Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2013 | APNIC 35 | 2013 |
prop-103 | A Final IP Address Policy Proposal | Randy Bush | 2012 | APNIC 34 | 2012 |
prop-100 | National IP Address Plan – Allocation of country-wide IP address blocks | Rakesh Mohan Agarwal | 2011 | APNIC 32 | 2012 |
prop-099 | IPv6 Reservation for Large Networks | Xing Li, Song Jiang, Xiaomin Zhou, Haijin Li | 2011 | APNIC 32 | 2012 |
prop-098 | Optimizing IPv6 allocation strategies (simplified) | Owen DeLong | 2011 | APNIC 32 | 2012 |
prop-092 | Distribution of additional APNIC IPv4 address ranges after IANA exhaustion | David Woodgate | 2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-091 | Limiting of final /8 policy to specific /9 | David Woodgate | 2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-090 | Optimizing IPv6 allocation strategies | Owen DeLong | 2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-089 | Additional criterion for final /8 allocations (and assignments) | David Woodhouse | 2011 | APNIC 31 | 2011 |
prop-087 | IPv6 address allocation for deployment purposes | Tomohiro Fujisaki | 2010 | APNIC 30 | 2011 |
prop-086 | Global Policy for IPv4 Allocations by the IANA Post Exhaustion | Steve Bertrand, Chris Grundemann, Aaron Hughes, Louie Lee, Matt Pounsett, Jason Schiller | 2010 | APNIC 30 | 2011 |
prop-085 | Eligibility for critical infrastructure assignments from the final /8 | Terence Zhang Yinghao, Wendy Zhao Wei | 2010 | APNIC 30 | 2011 |
prop-084 | Frequent whois information update request | Tobias Knecht | 2010 | APNIC 30 | 2011 |
prop-081 | Eligibility for assignments from the final /8 | Terence Zhang Yinghao, Jane Zhang, Wendy Zhao Wei | 2010 | APNIC 29 | 2010 |
prop-078 | Reserving /10 IPv4 address space to facilitate IPv6 deployment | Terence Zhang Yinghao, Jane Zhang, Wendy Zhao Wei | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2010 |
prop-077 | Proposal to supplement transfer policy of historical IPv4 addresses | Terence Zhang Yinghao, Jane Zhang, Wendy Zhao Wei | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2010 |
prop-076 | Requiring aggregation for IPv6 subsequent allocations | Tomohiro Fujisaki,Akira Nakagawa, Toshio Tachibana, Fuminori Tanizaki | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2010 |
prop-072 | Reapplication limits when transferring address space | Philip Smith | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2009 |
prop-071 | Justifying receiving IPv4 address space | Philip Smith | 2009 | APNIC 28 | 2009 |
prop-070 | Maximum IPv4 allocation size | James Spenceley, Jonny Martin | 2009 | APNIC 27 | 2009 |
prop-069 | Global policy proposal for the allocation of IPv4 blocks to Regional Internet Registries | Adiel A. Akplogan, AfriNIC Raul Echeberria, LACNIC, Maemura Akinori, APNIC, Geoff Huston, APNIC, Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC, Ray Plzak, ARIN, Oscar A. Robles-Garay, LACNIC, Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC, Paul Wilson, APNIC |
2009 | APNIC 27 | 2011 |
prop-068 | Inter-RIR transfer policy | Geoff Huston | 2009 | APNIC 27 | 2009 |
prop-067 | A simple transfer proposal | Randy Bush, Philip Smith | 2008 | APNIC 27 | 2009 |
prop-063 | Reducing timeframe of IPv4 allocations from twelve to six months | Philip Smith, Randy Bush, Jonny Martin | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2009 |
prop-060 | Change in the criteria for the recognition of NIRs in the APNIC region | Kusumba Sridhar | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2008 |
prop-059 | Using the Resource Public Key Infrastructure to construct validated IRR data | Randy Bush | 2008 | APNIC 26 | 2008 |
prop-058 | Proposal to create IPv4 shared use address space among LIRs | Shirou Niinobe, Takeshi Tomochika, Jiro Yamaguchi, Dai Nishino, Hiroyuki Ashida, Akira Nakagawa, Toshiyuki Hosaka |
2008 | APNIC 25 | 2008 |
prop-056 | IPv4 Soft Landing | David Conrad | 2008 | APNIC 25 | 2008 |
prop-052 | Cooperative distribution of the end of the IPv4 free pool | Tony Hain | 2007 | APNIC 25 | 2008 |
prop-051 | Global policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space | Roque Gagliano , ANTEL, Francisco Obispo, CENIT, Haitham EL Nakhal, MCIT, Didier Allain Kla, ISOC Cote d’Ivoire |
2007 | APNIC 24 | 2007 |
prop-048 | IPv6 ULA-central | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2007 | APNIC 24 | 2007 |
prop-047 | eGLOP multicast address assignments | Marshall Eubanks, David Meyer | 2007 | APNIC 23 | 2007 |
prop-046 | IPv4 countdown policy proposal | JPNIC IPv4 countdown policy team | 2007 | APNIC 23 | 2007 |
prop-045 | Proposal to modify “end site” definition and allow end sites to receive IPv6 allocations | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2007 | APNIC 23 | 2007 |
prop-044 | Proposal to remove requirement to document need for multiple /48s assigned to a single end site | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2007 | APNIC 23 | 2007 |
prop-043 | Proposal to remove reference to IPv6 policy document as an “interim” policy document | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2007 | APNIC 23 | 2007 |
prop-042 | Proposal to change IPv6 initial allocation criteria | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2007 | APNIC 23 | 2007 |
prop-040 | Proposal for APNIC non-member annual service fee | APNIC | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2006 |
prop-039 | A proposal to improve reachability of new IANA blocks | Tomoya Yoshida | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2006 |
prop-037 | Deprecation of email updates for APNIC Registry and whois data | Terry Manderson | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2007 |
prop-036 | Proposal to modify allocation criteria in the “IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy” | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2006 |
prop-034 | IPv6 portable assignment for end user organisations | Jordi Palet Martinez | 2006 | APNIC 22 | 2006 |
prop-029 | Proposal for discrete networks and national peering | Uchenna N Ibekwe, Vu, Baokhanh N (Beth), Jason Schiller | 2005 | APNIC 20 | 2005 |
prop-028 | Abolishing IPv6 per address fee for NIRs | NIR fee WG | 2005 | APNIC 19 | 2005 |
prop-024 | Changing NIR fee structure | Toshiyuki Hosaka | 2004 | APNIC 18 | 2004 |
prop-023 | A proposal to prevent the routing of “dark” address space | Gordon Bader | 2004 | APNIC 18 | 2004 |
prop-020 | Application of the HD ratio to IPv4 | APNIC | 2004 | APNIC 18 | 2006 |
prop-019 | A proposal for whois database query | Jeng-jr Li | 2004 | APNIC 21 | 2006 |
prop-013 | LIRs to manage multiple discreet networks under a single APNIC membership | Dawn Martin | 2003 | APNIC 17 | 2003 |
prop-009 | Delegation of Synopsis | Randy Bush | 2003 | APNIC 16 | 2003 |
prop-003 | Policy for mirroring on IRR | JPNIC | 2004 | APNIC 17 | 2005 |